Starseeds: Why 9/11 is a Portal Day and what that means

Starseed Awakening
11 min read6 days ago


Finally, an explanation for all this portal business!

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Today is Sept 11.

For many, it is a day of pain; of remembrance, impact and loss. Areminder of how deeply we’ve tangled up politics, nationality and the world at large. For some, it ignites fear for the direction we’re headed — as well as stark reminder of grief for the loss of lives and larger sense of safety living within our bubbles of the Western world.

These dense feelings of grief are all valid; it is all very real and palpable.
The pain for many sits like a fog on a low horizon; the memories etched into our somatic patterns we revisit year in and year out with each annual memorial.

But what if, amongst the rubble, there was a rabbit hole: another doorway; a threshold to a different reality?

Photo by Trophim Lapteff on Unsplash

We hear so freakin’ much about days that are supposed to be portals:

the lion’s gate portal on 08/ 08,
the 11/11 portal (which in my opinion, is the biggest one of the year),
and today, the 9/11 portal.

We hear about activations, opportunities for manifestation, and “ascension energies.”

It seems like everyone on YouTube and TikTok are talking about “the 5 things you need to know for ___ portal”, and “top 3 manifestation techniques to make the post of ___ portal”.

But nobody’s explaining what the hell these portals actually are.

WTF is an energy portal and how does it work?
What makes a day a portal day?
How come half of them seem to be on days of remembrance and tragedy?

Photo by Mike Labrum on Unsplash

the 3D and the 5D

In order to understand what the f* the spiritual community is saying in regards to all these energy portals, we must first understand the concept of the different realms of reality.

According to Maureen St. Germain in her book Waking up in 5D (read my review here ), there are 11 dimensions in which we can access beyond the reality we experience day-to-day.

Fore the sake of this article, we’re going to focus three dimensions in particular: the 3D (your ‘reality’ in which we currently live in and experience day-to-day, with traffic, tragedy and twinkies); the 4D, (a place where everything feels like it’s just going ‘right’ — we slip into this sometimes when we’re far from our daily grind — on vacation or in a space where we’re tapping into universal flow or surrender);
and 5D — the place we’re headed as a collective (you don’t have to believe me) where things are in full, co-creative alignment with the universe and the energy that pulses through is one of unconditional love (instead of fear). 5D is where humanity (and the rest of nature) is finally in alignment with itself and the realms beyond. This place, that of 5D existence, is what we are talking about when folks are speaking about “new earth”. I have a knowing about this because of the messages I receive from my guides; as well as a deep, innate sense of hope that has lived within me since the day I was born.

Although it may not look like it from the current state of affairs, we are indeed headed towards existing in a dimension where things are truly in alignment with one another and the harmonics of the greater universal flow, we are in right relationship with the earth (and thus have an abundance of food to feed us), and we are deeply connected to our Higher Selves (the versions of us that see through the lens of unconditional love and where we transcend our stories and past experiences to be able to live peacefully in the Now).

Sounds pretty euphoric, right?

So what do tragedies, memorials, and so-called “Portal Days” have to do with it?

3D — Aka, the Shitty Cafeteria

Lucky for us (cue sarcasm here), the wave of humanity that’s alive on the planet right now is living through a lifetime that I like to call the Bridge. In order for us to ascend from 3D (us now), through to 4D (the more transitional dimension where everything starts to feel pretty good and flowy), all the way up to 5D (living in unconditional love and relative harmony), we have to create a bridge to get there. The generations before us didn’t have the space to focus on moving towards unconditional love and universal harmony — they were first focused on survival, and then individuation. We’ve now gone a leeeeeetle bit too far down the rabbit hole of individuality and self-focused success (with a heavy emphasis on patriarchy and eugentics to define who gets to arrive there) — so much that we’ve begun to trample on our fellow humans and make quite the mess of it all.

In our current 3D reality, we’re sitting in what I call the Shitty Cafeteria. This cafeteria exists inside whatever big institution you’d like to imagine — a high school; a mall; a hospital. The shitty caf has shitty food; slowly making us sick and numbing our abilities to sense the more subtle energies of the planet. The food sucks, the drinks are neon and filled with sugar, and everyone is being corralled along to get some variation of the same thing. We’re paying way to much to eat stuff that doesn’t nourish us, and the people who made it aren’t getting paid enough to have put any love into it (because there’s something to be said about “junk food” that was prepared with intention and love!!)

On top of that, the caf is loud. There’s 5 million different conversations going on that we can barely hear our own thoughts. People are on their phones, or projecting their insecurities and ‘coolness’ outwards, in fear of being seen for who they really are. There are cliques — popular kids, weirdos, goth kids, and music geeks. Because it seems like the categories of belonging are so stark, you have two options: chop yourself at the corners to fit in, or risk being the person who sits alone. You’re inside the walls of a building that you didn’t make (i.e., Capitalism), spending your time under the clock of the system that decided things for you. It’s noisy, abrasive, and frankly, well, sucks.

What you see is What you get

The tricky thing about the 3D world is that it’s the reality we ‘see’ as part of our day-to-day lives. There’s no escaping the reality of food from grocery stores, having a job to pay bills, and taking public transit or public roadways to get to where you want to go. On top of that,unless you’re deeply plugged into your own practice of spirituality, (which takes immense patience, courage, and risk of larger social rejection), and are thus able to disconnect from all the noise; you may never have been able to feel any other reality or dimension other than the one you feel you’re currently in.

Maybe you got a taste of 4D, or even 5D living once: euphoria experienced at a concert or music festival; a friend’s wedding; the birth of a child. In these moments it seems like the rest of the noise from the shitty cafeteria or the outside world falls away, and you’re left with one ingredient that feeds you above all else — Love.

The thing about the 3D reality is that it’s the reality that we’ve been conditioned to see as being all there is. Unless we’re actively pracitcing otherwise, it’s the one we wake up to in the morning, the one we wade thruogh during the day, and the one we rest into as we lay our heads to sleep at night. When we’re stuck in this reality and unable to imagine a better future for ourselves where things can be different, the current powers that run the Shitty Cafeteria (and would like to keep us stuck) will succeed. There are plenty of people and entities making money and gaining energy from keeping us stuck in fear. When we get rooted into the muck of it all, we continue to perpetuate the cycle of where we’ve been as a collective at large, leaning into the ruts of the old addage that “History repeats itself.”

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

the 3D reality focuses on the Dense and the Concrete. When it comes to the energy of 9/11, it focuses on the tragedy of what happened in the physical (immense destruction), as well as the ricochet of pain and fear that was created as a by-product of that event. (This applies to 11/11 as well — our 3D focus is on the war tragedies of our society’s history). This energy of fear and loss creates a contraction in our energetic sphere — we shrink ourselves out of self-protection, begin to feel smaller, and are less open to the opportunities of love and connection that may be available to us when our hearts (and energy fields) are more open.

What the 3D focus misses out on, however, is another subtle thread that is running parallel to what we see with our eyes in our immediate reality. This thread is the ever-avaialble 4th dimension — the one that focuses on making the transition from the dense physical (3D) to one of unconditional love (5D). the 4D transitional lens is the part of you that remembers the way in which community came together at that time: the hundreds of memorials places around Manhattan; the thousands of flowers, notes, and tokens left by people who wanted to show love and honour at the site of tragedy.

In every place of tragedy, there exists also a place for memorial — where a little sprout of love pokes its head through the soil amde fertile by the ash of loss. With this lens, we remember how it feels to be supported by one another and connected to each other — creating a bridge between what has happened (loss, history ) and what is coming (growth, future-building).

This transitionary stage is where a large part of the collective is starting to shift towards. As the people at large become more disillusioned by the constant focus of loss and heartbreak, we are beginning to seek a way to connect to a greater sense of community that gives us a sense of purpose — without having to headlong into a spiritual awakening.

Where we’re going

Once we’ve sifted through the ash of loss and have begun to plant the seeds of love, remembrance, and ceremony around an event, we then open ourselves to the portal of 5D reality. In this lens of focus, we are no longer placing so much emphasis on the physical / energetic imprint that was made at the time of an event (i.e, the destruction and loss that came from 9/11), but instead are choosing to focus on the space created by by-products of the event (memorials, checking in on loved ones, reflection). This is where the energetic aspect of an event portal comes into play. Because 9/11 was such a massive, collective event — one that impacted millions of people worldwide (and has been a clear focus in the West, where our collective radio antenna is tuned to), there is an energetic space that has been created by both the tragedy of the event (loss) as well as the surging of love and community consciousness that arose as a result (growth). In this space, we’ve created a sort of ‘black hole’ of energetics — a place where on this day, each year, we largely have the collective’s attention. People are possibly a little more sensitive at this time; a little more conscious, a little more caring. This heightened awareness gives us a massive, incredible opportunity to attune our focus to where we want to be going and how we want our future to look. Because 9/11 was an event that caused a ricochet of energy and effect — it has created a crater of space where we can now use our intention to plant the seeds of what we would like to have come to us in its place (manifestation).

Photo by Mr Xerty on Unsplash

You dream for the collective

When we dream of our future, we must include ourselves within it. There is no sense in praying for world peace without first praying for our own dreams. The revolution starts at home (and within), and the universe loves specifics. Use the wormhole of energetic bridging today to set an intention for how you would like things to go.

Are you in need of better home security, or a more fulfilling job?
Are you praying for harmony and health in your body, or deeper balance in your relationships?

Set aside some quiet time today — you only need 15 minutes to drop in really deeply (trust me, set a timer), to dream up and manifest what you are asking for. You can push these desires out to global and collective peace as well, but we must first take care of ourselves and our own needs before we can extend our reach to others.

Many, many highly-vibrational and powerful souls are wasting time pushing all of their manifestation energy out to the collective at large, just hoping it will make a difference, without first taking care of their own needs. When our needs are not taken care of, we do not have a strong and resilient enough foundation to make a lasting impact. We cannot feed the poor if we are not able to nourish ourselves, and we cannot truly comfort our loved ones if we feel hollow from within. Use this opportunity during the 9/11 portal to connect with your deepest desires and needs. They are not too much for the universe. They are not too big, or too impossible to realize.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Intentions, Retention, Reinvention

The beautiful thing about being alive during this transitional time in the universe is that we have the power to use our intention to set the helm of the collective boat for where we want to go. It is imperative that we use these power days — 8/8, 9/11, 11/11 etc, to connect with our dreams and desires of where we want to go — not what’s being presented in front of us.

Get out of the shitty cafeteria of illusionary confines and into the garden of your dreams.

A better future awaits us.

You can get there, I know it .



Starseed Awakening

I write self-help articles that are spiritual in nature to help humans navigate the energy of an ascending planet. Listen on Youtube, comment to get the book.